Archiv für den Monat Juli 2020

Philosophische Psychologie

Innerlicher Ordnungsdrang — Anordnung, Zuordnung, Einordnung, plus Wertung dass es gut (bzw. hinreichend geordnet) sei.

Äußerlicher Ordnungsdrang. An anderen auszuüben.

Realism as scientific political metatheory

The pair of Realism and Idealism has congruencies/intersection with the pair of ‚bettering the world‘ and ‚preserving the world‘ (like amongst others interpreted by Odo Marquard).
But it isn’t the same.
Also, Realism (here in the political-theoretical and IR-theory meaning) has some conservative aspects. But it isn’t the same as political (ideological) Conservatism.
It has also liberal (in the earnest European sense) aspects. And is as-such open to liberal and other political ideas and value-systems etc.
And it is often painfully (and in need of checks and balances) pragmatical (cynical, power-centred etc.).