Schlagwort-Archive: truth

Truth is a question and a question of philosophy.
Patterns and how-techniques (of effects, structures, patterns, how something can work) are questions and ‚patternal‘ (situative, regularised, up to universal) answers of theoretical & applied sciences.

Truth, truths. Patterns, relation (re-)constructions.

Philosophy is about truth and truths (ontological and epistemological and perhaps other).

Science is about patterns or relations of patterns, more or less effective and technically efficient (efficiency as goal-dependent relative), more or less subjectively experienced subjective-as-such.

Holism and shift of truth

The truth in (structuralist) holism:   Everything ‚right’needs its complementary ’non-right‘ as a constitutive partner/other-part.
And so, Derrida shift of truth: Also every truth is non-wholly and is only ‚truth‘ again with ’non-truth‘, which makes it wholly (in itself) but always at the same time/constitutively creates a new non-truth as part of the new wholly truth.

The problem individuals who are somewhere between rational reconstruction trys and absurdity of life with relativism is not that it would not be correct. The problem, my problem with it is, that it is true (in a relatively absolute sense or so?) and without a solution (at least in a rational basic sense).